On a mild winter’s day in Raceland, Louisiana, a dedicated group of researchers, agronomists and staff from The American Sugar Cane League, LSU AgCenter and Sugarcane Research Unit in Houma gathered to hear preliminary reports about the 2024 harvest, research projects and a forecast for...
You've found Sugarcane in the News, the home of the official American Sugar Cane League press releases and other news stories about the sugar industry. In this section you will find links to the Sugar News, our email newsletter about the the people who have made sugarcane the Louisiana's number one crop for more than two centuries. You can sign up to receive the Sugar News in your mailbox here.
There's also a link to The Sugar Bulletin, the League's monthly magazine, and its advertising rates and subscrption information. The Sugar Bulletin has been published since 1922 and you can research the sugar industry archives by clicking here or in the drop list to the left. The American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists archives are also available.
Check back frequently to stay up to date on breaking news, legislative issues and other important information about the sugar industry.
Nomination deadline for Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction approaching
(11/06/24) BATON ROUGE, La. — The Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction is still accepting nominations through Nov. 18 for its induction ceremony, which will be held March 6, 2025, in Baton Rouge. The nomination form can be found online at www.louisianaagriculturehallofdistinction.com or any parish LSU...
LSU Ag Center explains effective use of agricultural spray drones
Unmanned aircraft, also known as drones, have several uses in farming operations. One use that continues to increase is the application of pesticides and plant growth regulators. Drones can apply crop products precisely in areas where aircraft travel is difficult. There are regulations governing the...
Full circle: AgCenter sugarcane expert’s travels lead him back to the crop that started it all
Taking the place of a 40-year veteran of the Louisiana sugarcane industry is no small task, so when LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Andre Gama replaced longtime researcher Jeff Hoy, he knew he had big shoes to fill. Due to his extensive travels, Gama’s own shoes...
Weed Management in Louisiana Sugarcane 2024
Dr. Matt Foster of the LSU AgCenter speaks on weed management at the July 2024 LSU sugarcane field day at the Sugar Research Station in St. Gabriel, Louisiana. Weed Management in Louisiana Sugarcane Facebook
Sugarcane Field Day Season is Here!
In Louisiana, we have many seasons. There is summer, of course, which seems to last all year sometimes. Then there’s football season, duck hunting season, Mardi Gras and crawfish season. In the Louisiana sugarcane agricultural world, we are entering into the field day season. Sugarcane...
Area cane farmers meet for sugarcane field days
Area sugarcane producers gathered at the Louisiana Sugarcane Cooperative (LASUCA) factory in St. Martinville to hear the latest from researchers at the 63rd LSU AgCenter St. Martin, Lafayette & Acadia Parishes Sugarcane Field Day on July 21. By V. Todd Miller, LSU AgCenter In the...
Assumption Parish Sugarcane Field Day 2023
The 2023 Assumption Parish Sugarcane Field Day was hosted by the LSU AgCenter in Napoleonville on July 11. Enaux A. Rivere Jr. was the recipient of the U.B Simoneaux Distinguished Service Award while Brett Thibodaux was named the "Outstanding Young Farmer." Field research talks were...
Pointe Coupee Parish hosts first sugarcane field day of 2023
A group of more than 100 sugarcane growers, LSU AgCenter researchers and other interested parties assembled at Joby Beaud's barn in the LaBarre community north of New Roads to hear the latest about new cane variety developments, weed control and other topics. More information on...
St. Martin/Lafayette/St. Landry/Acadia Sugarcane Field Day set for July 16
Sugarcane growers in the St. Martin, Lafayette, St. Landry, Acadia parish area are invited to a July 16 sugarcane field day at the LASUCA Sugar Mill, 6029 LA 347 in St. Martinville at 2 p.m. Field tour topics will cover sugarcane variety updates from sugarcane...
LSU AgCenter Ripenener Recommendations 2020
Dr. Al Ogeron and Dr. Kenneth Gravois fo the LSU AgCenter have put together a sugarcane ripener recommendation package. Chemical ripeners for sugarcane in Louisiana provide an important benefit. When properly applied, ripeners can maximize recoverable sugar and minimize cane yield (tonnage) losses. Read the...
Sugarcane Update & Breeding Program with Dr. Kenneth Gravois
Dr. Kenneth Gravois, Sugarcane Specialist, gives update on the 2020 sugarcane season at the Dean Lee Research Station in Alexandria, La., and Herman Waguespack with the American Sugarcane League gives an update on the breeding program and new varieties that will be available this planting...