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You've found Sugarcane in the News, the home of the official American Sugar Cane League press releases and other news stories about the sugar industry. In this section you will find links to the Sugar News, our email newsletter about the the people who have made sugarcane the Louisiana's number one crop for more than two centuries. You can sign up to receive the Sugar News in your mailbox here.

There's also a link to The Sugar Bulletin, the League's monthly magazine, and its advertising rates and subscrption information. The Sugar Bulletin has been published since 1922 and you can research the sugar industry archives by clicking here or in the drop list to the left. The American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists archives are also available.

Check back frequently to stay up to date on breaking news, legislative issues and other important information about the sugar industry.

Pierre “Pete” Lanaux

A conversation with St. John the Baptist Parish sugarcane farmer Pierre “Pete” Lanaux slips easily between the past and the present. At 88 years old, Mr. Pete may be the state’s eldest farmer. Certainly, his farming career, which spans 68 years, is older than the...
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Business is sweet

Sugar cane season is underway throughout the Teche area, and things seem to be going as well as possible so far for this year despite August’s floods, but uncertainty looms for future crops.  "Harvest season is good. It’s been dry,” said Hugh Andre, who owns...
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Growing Families

Every farming generation has new advances and challengesFarming in the Teche Area is perhaps one of the most visible industries and the one with the most longevity. Generations of family growers have contributed to an industry that has thrived for more than 200 years in...
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